Piano Instruction

Let’s explore music together!

Enjoy the richness and fulfillment that this truly amazing instrument brings into your life.
Learn without judgement, in a joyful and peaceful environment, in person in my studio or on-line.
Discover how playing piano is a journey of personal expression to share with family and friends, in making new friends, or for no one but yourself.

I support performances of all kind public concerts, annual piano class parties, Competitions, Judge Auditions (Nyssma, Guild and more).

The relationships I’ve formed with my students and their families are my precious gems. 

We have a shared personal experience that will last a lifetime.

Set your goals and let’s start our musical journey! Contact me.

Please feel free to read some recommendations below, from both the students and their parents.  

Hanna Masone, E. Northport, NY
I had the privilege of entrusting my daughter’s musical education to Evelyn Ulex.
An extraordinary piano teacher who has truly made a profound impact on my daughter!
Evelyn is not just a teacher; she is a mentor, and a true inspiration in the world of music.
Her patience, methodical approach, and passion for music shine through in every lesson.
In just three years under her guidance, my daughter went from being an intermediate piano player to performing college-level pieces with confidence and skill. Evelyn’s dedication and expertise have not only enabled my daughter to excel in various music competitions but have also instilled in her the values of patience, attention to detail while practicing, and a deep appreciation for the art of music!
What sets Evelyn apart is her holistic approach to teaching. Not only did she focus on perfecting my daughter’s technical skills, but she also delved into music theory, composers, and music history, providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond just playing notes on a page. Thanks to Evelyn’s guidance and care, my daughter was not only prepared for college auditions but also successfully gained acceptance and scholarships into top colleges across the USA for a second major in music.
Evelyn’s ability to nurture talent, instill discipline, and foster a love for music is truly remarkable. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her students not only excel in their musical pursuits but also grow as individuals. I am forever grateful for the impact Evelyn has had on Giuliana’s musical journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking a dedicated and exceptional music teacher.
Giuliana Masone, E. Northport, NY
Mrs. Ulex is a teacher and a performing concert pianist Extraordinaire!
I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to have had the opportunity to study under her tutelage for the past three years. It has been a transformative experience!
Mrs. Ulex possesses a unique gift for imparting knowledge and skill in a way that is both challenging and inspiring. Throughout our time together, she introduced me to techniques that I never thought I would be able to master. Her dedication to instilling discipline in practice and teaching me how to infuse my emotions into the music I played has been invaluable.
Under Mrs. Ulex’s guidance, I have not only progressed to levels beyond my expectations but have also developed a newfound confidence in my performance and interpretation of music. Her support and encouragement have empowered me to push my boundaries and explore the depths of musical expression.
Mrs. Evelyn Ulex is not just an amazing piano teacher; she is a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. I am eternally grateful for the impact she has had on my musical journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking to embark on a path of learning piano on the highest level!
Elliott B., New York City, NY
Evelyn Ulex is an incredible teacher. Before I studied with her, I didn’t have much interest in classical music, or in having proper technique. Evelyn reshaped my attitude and abilities as a pianist, composer, and listener. She allowed me to choose which pieces to learn, and adapted her teaching style to fit my learning style.
She never judged me for any difficulties I had while learning, and never lost patience with me. Our lessons were always filled with conversation and laughter. I left every lesson knowing that my musical knowledge had been enriched. I grew to love classical music, whereas before I barely had any appreciation for it at all. Everything I learned with Evelyn, I was able to apply to my own work.
I was recently accepted to Berklee College of Music, and I credit Evelyn largely.
I would not be the musician I am today without Evelyn, and I will always be so grateful to her.
Jehanara A., Huntington, NY
I like Evelyn’s piano classes because i learn many different pieces that are enjoyable to play. She allows me to play pieces of my liking and guides me well overall. I’ve also had wonderful opportunities to play in front of large audiences like at the Staller Center at Stonybrook University, as well as being selected to perform with Lang Lang at the Tilles Center in Westbury. Over the ten years i’ve been playing with Evelyn i’ve learned more and more about the joy of piano and music and I’m very thankful to have such a great teacher.
Danny B., New York City, NY
Besides being a virtuoso pianist and a gifted teacher, Evelyn’s teaching goes beyond mastering the technique by delving deeper into the music itself. She teaches her students how to express through the piano playing a personal interpretation of the composition. She also chooses music pieces that
personally fit the student in both their affinity to it and their challenge that is very carefully tailored to the level of the student. In that Evelyn’s teaching is personal and inspirational, making her not just a great teacher, but also a life-long mentor.
Natasha & Gavin M., New York City, NY
Evelyn is a remarkable teacher in so many regards, but there are three that standout for us. She is so passionate about her craft that you can’t help but be drawn In to the wondrous process of learning and mastering a piece of music, whether it’s as simple as a Christmas carol or a fiendishly difficult Rachmaninov concerto.
Evelyn has an endless reservoir of patience, persistence and good humor. No matter how “ungifted”, clumsy or – on the rare occasion – unprepared you might be, she will unfailingly be at your side coaxing you to play at a level you would have never thought possible. Lastly, with her bi-annual performances, and strong connections to the Suffolk and New York City music community, she gives her students many opportunities to showcase their efforts, and – more importantly – to build self-confidence in themselves and their ability to perform “on stage”. Our family of 4 has benefited from Evelyn’s tutelage in the most profound way and, never could we have imagined that what started as “a bit of exposure to music” for our 8 year old, would, over the next 9 years, morph into one of the most joyful backdrops for our family.
Ben W., New York City, NY
Evelyn tailors to every student’s interests and needs. When I became really interested in jazz, she helped me develop a jazz-specific skill-set. The theory and rhythm I’ve learned with her has carried over to all the music I play in my life as I’ve grown. I’ve been learning with her since I was 7 and now i’m 19 and I wouldn’t want any other teacher.
Leanne L., Huntington, New York
Evelyn is an accomplished musician who holds our boys to high technical standards and teaches them to perform with skill and expression. They are lucky to have such strong and professional training that manifests itself in high NYSSMA and Guild performances, as well as impressive recitals.
Allegra W., New York City, NY
It’s not only about a piece and perfecting that piece, but you learn about music and theory—I’ve gotten a great foundation for music while having so much fun learning with Evelyn. I love her and look forward to seeing her every week.
Leemor J.-T., Huntington, New York
Evelyn has the perfect balance of being demanding and incredibly nurturing. She changed my daughter’s approach to music and practicing and brought out both her skill and musicality. She urges my daughter to challenge herself, but in such a way that she can pick up more and more difficult pieces while not getting too frustrated and keeping her motivation high. Evelyn has been instrumental in helping my daughter step out of her comfort zone by providing her with numerous performance and competition opportunities. She is always responsive to my daughter’s requests to participate in events, taking the time to carefully plan and understand what will be required. Evelyn is also attentive to her students’ musical tastes, listening carefully and accommodating their preferences. We’re so appreciative of Evelyn!
Yuwen L., Jericho, NY
在Evelyn 的帮助下,每年都会有许多不一样的演出机会。
我们非常感谢Evelyn 一直以来的帮助,为我们女儿培养了良好的学习习惯以及良好的演奏基础。

Evelyn is a great mentor, especially for young children. She is so patient, and respects the differences between each child. Our daughter loves her so much, Evelyn really brought out the potential she has by nurturing and protecting the nature of her personality.
There are also many performance opportunities that help children to build confidence to perform on stage.
Our family really appreciates Evelyn’s effort to help our daughter grow into a better pianist.

Juliana T., Huntington, NY
Evelyn Ulex is a brilliant piano teacher who is both accomplished as a pianist and rich with musical knowledge.
I have been taking lessons with her for four years now, and my technique and artistry have improved tremendously under her instruction; this has allowed me to place in competitions, perform at beautiful venues such as the Staller Center, Queens College, Christ & St. Stephen’s Church in nyc, and become confident in my abilities.
She is professional, meticulous, and enthusiastic, whose love for music exudes in every lesson and attention to detail is unmatched. Evelyn teaches not only “what’s on the page” but also theory, effective practice methods, and repertoire building. I truly believe I would not be the pianist I am today without her guidance as my piano teacher!
Scott L., Huntington, NY
Evelyn Ulex is a wonderful piano teacher! She has amazing skills as both a musician and an educator and shows so much patience and good humor in the process of teaching. Our daughter continues to learn and greatly improve her musicianship under her friendly and caring instruction. We also appreciate the opportunity for our daughter to play in public settings.
Rita G., New York City, NY
Evelyn Ulex has been working with our child, Elliott, since he was about 12 years old (he is 20 years old now). Evelyn was able to not only correct very wellingrained, and at that time quite automatic, piano playing habits but also quickly move Elliott from playing ‘Marry had a little lamb’ type songs to playing Bach, Chopin, Debussy, and others. Beyond just teaching Elliott piano basics, Evelyn was able to instill in him the love of the piano and the love of the great piano composers. Being a composer himself, one could immediately hear the impact of this learning on every new piece of Elliott’s own compositions, advancing and enriching them tremendously. Evelyn has been the most patient, compassionate and passionate teacher; her ability to connect with our child’s very unique mind helped keep him engaged and motivated, learning, playing and composing throughout these years. It is in large part thanks to Evelyn’s piano lessons (and her many efforts that went beyond these lessons, to actual recordings we used for school submissions) that Elliott was accepted to Berklee Academy of Music for his undergraduate level studies. Throughout it all, Evelyn has been (and still is) a true role model for Elliott, and for us, Elliott’s parent, going well beyond one’s expectations of any teacher, to inspire and awe us all (with her own level of musicianship and genuine friendship).
Leigh Ann H. & Barry L., Huntington, New York
Evelyn Ulex is an exceptionally good music instructor because she connects with each student, meaning that she quickly recognizes their strengths and weaknesses and she highlights those strengths to build confidence early on as she addresses their weaknesses. But most importantly, Evelyn is a kind person;
children recognize that in her immediately, are drawn to her and are motivated to do well for her and for themselves. All four of our children studied played classical piano from age 6-18 and each of them worked with Evelyn over the years. Of all of the instructors with whom our children have studied, Evelyn Ulex stands out as the best.
Carol H. Huntington, New York
I am so very pleased to share my experiences as a student of Evelyn Ulex.
At my very first lesson, Evelyn immediately assessed my ability level and tailored future lessons to meet my specific needs and desires. From that point on, each lesson has been a joy and I am learning so much about technique, music theory, counting properly, training my fingers to adapt to difficult chords and fingerings and, perhaps most importantly, how to achieve musicality in my playing. Each different piece I work on is like a building block to the next. Each piece presents new challenges and skill sets so that I always feel I’m progressing and learning techniques that I can carry over confidently to future pieces. I have studied a wide range of pieces with Evelyn, from Classical to Ragtime — and learning such a variety of styles always keeps things interesting and enjoyable!
I have also learned so much about various musical periods, about the greatest composers and how they contributed to, created, and advanced musical styles throughout history, Evelyn imparts such fascinating knowledge with much enthusiasm and joy.
Because of Evelyn’s amazing teaching, I look forward to practicing every day. Sometimes I am very hard on myself but Evelyn always, with gentleness and humor, encourages me to overcome my self-criticism and practice with enjoyment, without tension and frustration. She gives me wonderful tips on how to diligently, yet calmly, work on and eventually master difficult musical sections. Often, when I reflect back on a lesson, I cannot believe how much I have learned in just one hour.
When I first learned of Evelyn’s astounding musical background and talent, and saw her playing concerts on YouTube and in person,or listened to her CD’s, I felt a bit intimidated about starting lessons with her. But Evelyn is so unassuming, so encouraging no matter one’s skill level or age (I am an older student), that any trepidation I had went right out the window. Evelyn is as sweet and down to earth as one can be.
I have been truly blessed to find Evelyn as a teacher. I have never learned so much in such a short time. She is demanding in that she wants each student to achieve his or her best, but at the same time she teaches with such warmth and loving encouragement.
I would urge anyone with an interest in learning piano to immediately run to Evelyn for lessons. You will NOT find a better teacher anywhere!
Helena A., Huntington, New York
I first met Evelyn Ulex during a recital presented by SPTF (Suffolk Piano Teachers Foundation). I was attending because I was considering joining the SPTF but foremost because I was looking for my next piano teacher. I didn’t know much about Evelyn’s teaching talent, her bottomless patience, her contagious enthusiasm, her kind encouragement, her deep knowledge, her inspiring achievements, her bubbly personality, and her joie de vivre; I heard her talking and I liked her. At that moment, I knew, I wanted her to be my teacher.

Evelyn was my teacher for only one year, but what a year it was! I was happy playing the piano. I couldn’t wait to practice and I could’t wait to show her what I learned. I became a better piano player and a better teacher, I discovered new music, and we became friends. I moved from Huntington and who did I pick to adopt my students? Evelyn, of course. My students have continuously grown as pianists, and to this day still thank me for suggesting Evelyn as their next teacher.


Student Concert videos: